DAVIES, Dennis

Born on October 23, 1929. Passed away May 31, 2023.
Funeral Notice
Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel 6 Ollerton Avenue, MoeView Map
Family and Friends are warmly invited to a celebration of the life of Dennis Davies to be held at Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel, 6 Ollerton Avenue, Moe on THURSDAY (June 8th, 2023) commencing at 1:30 pm.

The service for Dennis will also be livestreamed.

To view the livestream, please click here.

  1. Dear Dennis. “Your life was a blessing, your memory will remain in our hearts. We are deeply saddened by your loss, but we are so grateful, we the honour of calling you a friend, and be a member of our thrift shop family. “Our beloved friend, you may have left us, but your loving presence will endure forever in our hearts and souls” xx

    The staff at the Salvation Army Thrift shop Moe June 5, 2023
  2. Sincere condolences to Margaret, Paul, Lyn & Families on the recent passing of Dennis. A sad time for all. Fond memories of years gone by. Love to all.

    Trevor & Diane June 7, 2023
  3. Dennis,my big brother,who I have always looked up too.Admired,and so very proud of you.Your true commitment to various Charitys/Voluntary work throughout all your life,reflects your genuine kindness,caring and love for all around you.Your caring,kind and supportive words to me always I will cherish always. Dennis, my big loving brother your memory is gently weaved within my soul for ever.
    My Big brother Dennis. Thank you for being you.
    Your little brother. Alun
    Ps Yes, Dennis I will put another coat of green on the rusty roof of the Tin Chapel, don’t worry.

    Alun Davies June 8, 2023

    Did enjoy reading a good book.

    Endless amount of energy and a real enthusiasm for

    Never seen in town without wearing a good looking
    cap to protect his head.

    Noticed and appreciated the things around him.

    Intuitive Artist, Word Poet and Word Smith and a Real

    Sense of humour and wit that brought a smile to the
    faces of others.

    Devoted to his lovely wife Margaret for over 70 years.

    Always looking out for her and never straying far
    from her side.

    Visited their SALVOS ANGELS at our shop on a daily

    Inspirational love for Margaret and did almost
    everything together with her.

    Enjoyed attending church and socialising with all of
    their friends each week.

    Such a special person with a bubbly personality, full
    of sunshine and loved by all.

    Rest Peacefully Dennis.
    Love Rhondaxx

    Rhonda Gamble June 8, 2023
  5. HI Dennis
    Thankyou For Being My Friend And The Salvation Army Church In MOE

    Georgia Green June 8, 2023
  6. Someone so special as Dennis,can never be forgotten.
    Deepest condolences to you Margaret,Paul,Lynne and all family. Thoughts are with you.
    Alun. Heather and Coral

    Alun Davies June 9, 2023