BEK, Johanna (Mady) (née Amsink)
Born on September 26, 1942. Passed away March 28, 2024.
Passed away on Thursday, March 28, 2024, with family at her side.
Loved and loving wife of Harry.
Greatly missed mother of Anita and George.
Oma of Anthony and Karina.
At Peace
Funeral Notice
The Graveside Funeral Service of Mrs Johanna (Mady) Bek will be held at Yallourn Cemetery on TUESDAY, (April 9, 2024) commencing at 1.30pm.
Deepest sympathy to Harry and my dear Anita, George, Anthony and Karina. So many fond memories of Tante Madi and the things we did together as families growing. Up. Much love to you from Karin and Marina. ❤️🙏
March 31, 2024Our condolences to Harry, Anita, George and grandchildren. Although we are far away in Holland we remember Tante Mady as a ‘lieve Tante’. We have very fond memories of her as young kids, Mum and Dad were also very fond of her!
April 8, 2024
Anja, Annie, Leen(deceased) Tony and Connie.