COGLE – Gweneth Irene (nÊe Gibson)

Born on June 22, 1943. Passed away November 17, 2018.

Passed away on November 17th 2018 surrounded by her loving family
Aged 75 years
Dearly loved wife of Ian.
Much loved mother and mother in law of, Cheryl and Barry, May and Peter, and Donna.
Adored Nan to Paul, Natasha, Bradley, Taylor, Emily, Stacey, Brandon.
Great Gran to Tyson and Bailey.
Sister of Donald (Dec) and Tom.

Funeral Notice
Gippsland Memorial Park Rose Chapel Cemetery Drive, TraralgonView Map
The funeral service and committal for cremation for Gwen Cogle will be held in the Rose Chapel of the Gippsland Memorial Park Crematorium, Cemetery Drive Traralgon on Thursday (November 22nd 2018) at 11.00am

  1. Rest in peace Gwen you are truly missed and your soul is with the angels in heaven. My condolences to Ian, May, Cheryl, Donna, Tom and all the family. The service and tribute for Gwens life was beautiful. 💜 RIP.💜

    Rita Michailidis November 30, 2018