Born on May 27, 1943. Passed away August 2, 2020.

Passed away peacefully at home on Sunday August 2, 2020.

Loved and loving husband of Sue.

Loving father of Mel and Danny.

At Rest

Funeral Notice
Due to COVID19 restrictions the Funeral Service for Mr Colin Crabtree will be a private Funeral, by invitation only.
A Service to celebrate Colin's life will be live streamed on WEDNESDAY (August 5, 2020) commencing at 2pm.

To view the live stream, click here.
  1. My love & thoughts are with you all at this time. I will hold dearly the memories of the fun times with Colin on the croquet courts. A true gentleman at rest.

    Sue Elliott August 3, 2020
  2. Love, thoughts and prayers are with Sue, Mel, Danny and families. May the many happy memories you have with your dear Colin/Dad/Grandad live on in your hearts always and comfort you in your time of loss.
    All our love,
    Liz and Brian Shield.

    Elizabeth Shield August 4, 2020
  3. My Dearest Coli Boli,

    How lucky I am to have had an Uncle I adored as much as I did you.

    You were my family, my friend and always one of my favourites.

    Nobody I know could tell a story like you … or play the piano as sweet as you did.
    Your laughter was quick to fill a room and you were always one of the people cheering the loudest in my corner.

    I will forever cherish the memories

    You were so loved and you will forever be missed.

    Fly High Boli,

    All My Love
    Lee Lee xxx

    Leah Crabtree August 4, 2020
  4. I am so sorry for you loss Sue and family. I have wonderful memories of my years of working together with Colin at Mission Australia in Caboolture .He was a wonderful conversationalist and I clearly remember the times he and Evan and Ron Smoothy would gather under the back stairs in what I called ‘Gentleman’s Corner’ and they would solve the problems of the world. Thank you for the invitation and I will join the streaming service tomorrow .You are in my thoughts .Warm regards, Kit Ison.

    Kit Ison August 4, 2020
  5. Love and thoughts are with you all at this sad time. Love Wendy and Stu xxx

    Wendy Paulet August 4, 2020
  6. Much loved & respected member of the Morwell Croquet Club who will be greatly missed by all the members not only at Morwell but also all his fellow croqueteers throughout the Gippsland croquet community. Keep swinging that mallet Colin. Our thoughts are with Sue & the family.

    Sue Elliott August 5, 2020
  7. It is with much sadness that I received the news of Colin’s passing. Cousin Colin will be remembered as a great person with a vibrant personality and an accomplished musician. Our love and prayers are with Sue, Mel, Danny, Ralph and Heyden and families at this time.

    Gordon Crabtree August 5, 2020
  8. Our best thought and prayers to you Sue, Mel, Dan and families. Thank you Sue for sharing Colin with us. Thank you Colin for your gift of music, enquiring and problem solving mind, and constant friendship. You will be sorely missed.

    Evan Jenkins August 5, 2020
  9. Love you all!!
    Mr Crabtree I will never forget that Electrical van that used to pick us up from parties! Thankyou for all the great times growing up with Mel n Danny.
    Sue…….much love n save a wine for me.
    Love Julz

    JULZ August 5, 2020
  10. Unforgetable, thats what you are Col.

    Murray and Julie August 5, 2020
  11. A life well lived by a real CRABTREE. Well done Moz thanks for the memories

    Mac and Chris

    Ralph Crabtree August 6, 2020
  12. Lifes not the same without you mate but we will always be together in spirit.
    He aint heavy he’s my brother.

    Heyden Crabtree

    heyden crabtree August 13, 2020