JOHNSTON, Terry Walter
Born on December 12, 1958. Passed away August 31, 2023.
Unfortunately, it is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Terry Walter Johnston on Thursday 31st of August 2023. (Aged 64 years).
We hope you’re somewhere on the beach, with your toes in the sand.
Where the sun is shining, and a fishing rod in hand.
With a big smile on your face, knowing that your daughters will always love you.
Rest peacefully Dad, Dadda, Pap.
Love Busta (Sarah) and PB (Kate).
Funeral NoticeTributes
Terry Walter Johnston
September 10, 2023
You were a part of our family for 30 years. We have two beautiful girls, Kate and Sarah, from our time together. I thank you for them.
Rest peacefully now Terry, and may you always have a fishing rod or a golf club in hand.