KOSTIC – Honorata

Born on December 27, 1921. Passed away February 15, 2022.

Passed away peacefully at Gregory Lodge on Tuesday 15th February 2022 aged 100.

Loved wife of Milorad (Dec).

Devoted and inspirational Mother , Nanna and Big Nanna to Mira, Norm, Aleksander (Dec), Justin, Tania, Greg, Sarah, Georgina, Scott, Mia, Hannah, Meg, Jack, Lucy, and Sam.

Her family were her world.

Mum and Dad reunited.

Forever in our Hearts.

Funeral Notice
St. Mary's Catholic Church Monash Rd, Newborough
Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of Mrs. Honorata Kostic will be offered at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Monash Rd Newborough on Thursday (24th February 2022) commencing at 11.30am.

At the conclusion of Mass the funeral will proceed to the Yallourn Cemetery.

  1. I am saddened to hear of the death of our fantastic neighbour throughout the sixties and seventies in Harvey St Newborough.
    Honor and Mick Kostic were great friends of my parents, Russell and Verna Puckridge. I would have loved to attend her funeral, but I’m in Melbourne at The Peter Mac fighting the big C, just like Honor did so many years ago. Condolences to Mira, Norm and family. Best wishes from Geoff Puckridge and wife Susanne.

    Geoff Puckridge February 23, 2022